Please can you chip in?

We want to make our action visible with posters all over Strasbourg before the final vote. We want to place ads in major newspapers and do creative actions to keep up the pressure. But WeMove Europe does not take a single cent from companies, governments or political groups. It's contributions from supporters like you that make all this possible.

Join the thousands of donors who are already supporting us with a small contribution!

Would you like to make a donation in British pounds (GBP)? You can do it here.

Other ways of giving

You can transfer your donation to our bank account

Please include your email address as payment reference

WeMove Europe SCE mbH
IBAN: DE98 4306 0967 1177 7069 00
Berlin, Germany

We want to be transparent and accountable about how we spend your donations - for more information please see our Donation Policy.

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