Bureau working group on the revision of the list of expenses to be defrayed under the general expenditure allowance (GEA) 

Press Releases 

President Tajani set up an ad-hoc working group to finalise the revision of the list of expenses to be defrayed under the general expenditure allowance at the Bureau meeting on 12 June.

On the basis of a proposal submitted by the Secretary-General at the Bureau meeting of 15 May 2017, the revision will aim to clarify and strengthen the existing rules and good practices.


The reform answers to the requests by the Plenary of the Parliament to this regard. In its resolution of 5 April 2017 on the European Parliament’s estimates of revenue and expenditure for the financial year 2018, Parliament had called “on the Secretary-General to submit to the Bureau a more precise list of expenses defrayable under the General Expenditure Allowance (GEA)”.  Similarly, in its resolution of 27 April 2017 on granting discharge in respect of the budget of the European Parliament for 2015, Parliament had called “on the Bureau to define and publish the rules concerning the use of the general expenditure allowance (GEA)”.


The revised list will be submitted for adoption to the Bureau of the Parliament by the end of the year. It will be accompanied by additional recommendations for the next term. An interim report on the progress done by the Working Group will be presented to the Bureau at its meeting of October 2017.


The ad-hoc working group is composed of:      


- David-Maria SASSOLI, Co-Chair,

- Rainer WIELAND, Co-Chair,

- Ryszard CZARNECKI, Member,

- Pavel TELICKA, Member,

- Dimitrios PAPADIMOULIS, Member,

- Ulrike LUNACEK, Member,

- Elisabeth MORIN-CHARTIER, Member,

- Vladimir MANKA, Member.