A blow to a corrupt agency

October 29, 2022

A blow to a corrupt agency, image

By WeMove Europe

“They” are the EU’s highest funded agency, the border force, Frontex. [3] For many years untouchable, until now.

After years of campaigning, in October 2022 we just delivered an unprecedented blow to this corrupt agency. Tens of thousands of us signed a petition. Over 1,500 of us tweeted to Members of the European Parliament just as they were going into a key vote.

And the outcome? Victory.

Our MEPs voted against discharging Frontex’s budget, hitting them where it hurts most for the first time in history.

This win is the result of people power. It’s the result of over two years of pressure.

Time and time again this community proves that nothing is impossible if we act together. Earlier this year the long standing director of Frontex resigned because of so much pressure from WeMove Europe, MEPs, partners and activists. We can't wait to hear from you and see what this community does next. Share your thoughts now!

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