We won against Uber

February 8, 2023

two people ride bikes wearing uber delivery boxes on their backs

By Mika Leandro

This is huge! We won against Uber: EU Members of Parliament voted for workers rights, they listened to voters and did not give in to the strong pressure from Uber corporate lobbyists.

This win could mean that 28 million platform workers in Europe [1] -- including hundreds of WeMove Europe members who signed this petition and took action -- will finally have the rights they are due.

The right to a proper employment contract, paid sick leave, paid holiday, pay set according to national legislation and collective agreements and more. [2]

Let’s celebrate this, it’s big and it was not easy.

uber-delivery (1).jpg

When we started this campaign last summer after the Uber files exposed a lot of Uber’s wrongdoing we were hopeful for change and thousands of you signed the petition. [3]

Sadly by September our hopes were crushed. It seemed impossible to get a strong proposal to be voted on in parliament.

But thanks to the tireless work of our partners at the European Trade Union Confederation and many lawmakers things started to change: Members of the European Parliament finally started to come together.

With our partner we delivered signatures to Members of the European Parliament before the vote. Then WeMove Europe members sent over 119,000 emails and hundreds of tweets to over 400 key undecided MEP’s!

And we won with 376 votes for and 212 against.


It’s not final yet. For this to be set in stone the EU Parliament will need to negotiate the law with the EU Commission and EU countries (The EU Council).

The EU Council has not yet agreed its position and some key countries like Germany are undecided. We know Uber is hard at work speaking to EU governments to try and get their way so our work is not done yet. [4]

Let’s not let Uber continue to exploit workers and impoverish our public services through unpaid taxes. This system has to change. Together we can help make it happen.

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