Guarantee our rights!

We launched our first Brexit campaign to coincide with the start of the formal Brexit negotiations. We are working alongside our partners New Europeans to protect the rights of EU citizens who live in other EU member states but are now facing stress, anxiety and an uncertain future because of Brexit. Already 30,000 Europeans are calling on EU leaders to protect those rights. Why don’t you join them?


Blow the whistle!

21 March 2019

When Antoine Deltour, the then 28-year-old working at PricewaterhouseCoopers accidentally found evidence of a massive-scale corporate tax evasion facilitated by Luxembourg, he blew the whistle. The scandal exposed by Antoine, known as LuxLeaks, helped put corruption and tax-avoidance on EU’s political agenda.

Stop monster-merger BaySanto!

Bayer and Monsanto are desperately trying to merge into one giant agri-chemical corporation. Together, they will control a huge slice of what what farmers grow, and ultimately what we eat. If the merger is to be successful, the two companies must gain approval of competition authorities all over the world, including from the EU. Bayer has managed to “convince” Donald Trump to back the mega-merger, and now there is really only one organisation that has enough clout to stop the deal -- the European Union.

Ne solidarizăm împotriva violenței!

În 2017, de Ziua Internațională a Femeilor, milioane de oameni din toată lumea au ieșit în stradă, iar noi am folosit energia acestei mobilizări pentru a lansa un apel la acțiune, susținut de mii de persoane indignate și solidare. Împreună cu partenerii noștri din cadrul unei coaliții europene, punem din nou, cu răsunet, lupta cu violența împotriva femeilor și fetelor pe agenda politică a UE!