Mit Essen wettet man nicht

5. Februar 2017

Jedes Weizenkorn wird nur einmal geerntet, verarbeitet und gegessen - verkauft aber wird es 99 Mal. In ihrer Gier nach Profiten wetten Spekulanten auf Mais, Weizen und Zucker. Die Folge: Die Preise für diese Grundnahrungsmittel steigen: Das trifft vor allem die Ärmsten der Armen. 

A people-powered plug for tax evasion

Corporations have been taking us for a ride by using every trick in the book to avoid paying their fair share of taxes. But that could be about to end. The European Commission has proposed a first step to make giant corporations like Amazon and Facebook play by a common set of tax rules across Europe, and stop them from exploiting the differences in national corporate tax regimes.

Democracy for Sale Awards

The ongoing negotiations of the EU-US trade agreement, known as the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), are happening behind closed doors, hand in hand with big business lobby groups. Their influence is so great that their collaboration with TTIP negotiators deserves closer scrutiny. Our contribution: to give the most successful business group in hijacking TTIP for corporations an award!

Stop corporate abuse

For the first time in history we could have a way to internationally clamp down on corporate abuses. A new global treaty would introduce legally binding rules for corporations. But despite having support from most countries in the United Nations, EU countries have been boycotting this treaty. However, thanks to thousands of actions, nearly 92,000, the European Union has finally agreed to participate in the Intergovernmental Working Group that will discuss how to develop and implement this global treaty.

For a real reform that makes the polluters pay

Pollution is a profitable business. For the past decade powerful corporations have spared no expense to lobby behind the scenes to stop any meaningful reform of the EU carbon pricing policy. The law is now up for review in the European Parliament but so far, things does not seem to be heading in the right direction. Recently, the EP Industry Committee voted in favour of big polluters rather than an efficient reform. But we're not defeated and will keep up the pressure on European policymakers.